We're building 31 GPTs in 31 days.

Day #27: Operation: Character Clinic

This one goes out to our friends on LinkedIn, who each gave us a different word to inspire today’s GPT.

Some of the words that popped out at us were “alarming” “santa” “vivisection” and “supercalifragilisticexpialadocious.”

And, of course, the only possible outcome from combining these is a GPT where you play Operation on famous characters, with alarmingly realistic details.

Try This GPT (ChatGPT+ subscription required)

GPT will introduce the character as well as the malady that has brought them to your operating theater.

Your job: Pick the right tool for the right body part and pray to god that you don’t mess this up because your liability insurance is not prepared for this kind of heat.

Use the tools suggested by ChatGPT or, if you’re feeling daring, suggest your own. (Editor’s note: Please do this.) But be prepared because things always seem to go wrong at this super-secret medical center.

After your choose your tool and the operation you’d like to attempt, ChatGPT will narrate your actions, detail the outcome and your patient’s response, and generate an image of the current state of the operation.

Have fun! And thanks to everyone for giving us great words.

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